Microprocessor controlled. Three or single phase relay is used in systems exposed to over or under voltage, such as command, control or compensation systems and protects devices such as condensers, motors, air conditioners and compressors. It is divided into sub-categories depending on the voltage adjustment range, phase sequencing control, on or off start modes.
. | Phase Failure Ok Phase Sequnce Control No Over Voltage Protection 230V / 285V Under Voltage Protection 155V / 210V ON delay(T_Delay) 0,1sec / 10 sec OFF delay (T_Reset) No Neutral Failure Detection Ok System Voltage 380V AC3~(50/60Hz) Umax=(1,30)xUn Umin=(0,70)xUn Contact Ambient Temperature -5C + 50C Dimensions Connection Quantity in 1 box 10 Working Mode Açmada Geçikme |
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